
Remote Access Trojans (RAT) provide cyber criminals with unlimited access to infected endpoints. Trojan-X is a new HTTP Rat that coded in  C# . So, it means you don't need port forwarding to control infected PC and it works well in every Windows System. There are functions of Trojan-X.

  1. Shutdown
  2. Restart
  3. Standby

  1. Task manager
  2. Command Prompt
  3. Registry


  1. Open / Close CD Rom
  2. Fake Message
  3. Show / Hide Icons
  4. Screen on / Off

Browser History
  1. Firefox History
  2. Chrome History

Program Manager
  1. Uninstall Program
  2. Repair Program

Process Manager
  1. Kill Process
  2. Start New Process

Registry Manager
  1. New Registry Key
  2. Edit Registry Key
  3. Delete Registry Key

File Manager
  1. List Files
  2. Create New Folder
  3. Rename Files and Folders
  4. Upload Files
  5. Download Files
  6. Delete Files
  7. Execute File
  8. Copy Path

Voice Recorder

  1. Save Screen
  2. New Screenshot

  1. New Webcam snap
  2. Save webcam snap

  1. Get Clipboard
  2. Set to Clipboard

Execute Download
  1. Download and execute Files
  2. New Task
  3. Open Webpage

  1. Execute Bat Script
  2. Execute Html Script
  3. Execute VBS Script

DDOS Attack
  1. Powerful DDOSER

  1. Uninstall
  2. Remove From Registry
  3. Close
  4. Delete From Database
